Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Mutual Symbiosis

Introduction to mutual symbiosis:
Symbiosis means living together. There is some confusion over the use of word symbiosis. The term symbiosis has been used as a synonym of mutualism by some authors. Others have used it in a wide sense to include mutualism, commensalism and even parasitism.
Characteristics of symbiosis: There is probably no individual organism that does not play a host to atleast one symbiont. A symbiont is an organism which takes part in a symbiotic association. Symbionts are associated to get mutual benefits like food, shelter, substratum for attachment or transportation. The relationship is more intimate when compared to commensalism. Generally both the symbiosis are benefitted. Symbiosis is mostly an obligatory association.

Symbiosis between Animal Species

Types of symbiosis or mutualism: There are two types of symbiosis namely symbiosis with continuous contact and symbiosis without continuous contact.

Symbiosis between animal species: A good example for this type is the association of the protozoan flagellate trichonympha with the termites. The termites feed on wood but cannot digest the cellulose. The flagellate which live in the intestine digest the cellulose for the termite. While the trichonympha  digests the cellulose for the termite, the termite provides food, shelter and constant internal environment to the trichonympha.
They can, infact, survive only in the intestines of termites. Termites are unable to survive without their intestinal inhabitants. The newly hatched termites instinctively lick the anus of another termite to get a supply of flagellates. Thus, this relationship is obligatory in which one cannot live without the other.

Symbiosis between Plant Species

Symbiosis between plant species: A more intimate form of mutualism is the association of two plant species as illustrated by lichens which are seen to grow on rocks and barks of trees.
Lichens are association of thread like fungi and photosynthesizing algae. The algae produce food for themselves and for the fungus. The fungus in turn contributes water, nitrogen containing waste compounds and carbon dioxide for continued alagal photosynthesis.

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